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New Media and how to get along with it

In the last few weeks I got to know many new tools and websites. Most of them I have never heard about before, so it was kind of difficult to get along with them. But after some time I started to like those new websites and I realized how helpful they can be.
New Media is a very interesting topic, but it also needs some time to get to know it and to learn how it works.
For me, the most interesting websites by now concern the word clouds.
And because of the fact that I really think these word clouds are great to catch the attention of pupils, I tried them out during an English lesson.
I took a text concerning the introduction to "Alice in Wonderland" and created a word cloud out of this text. This one I gave to the class and let them try to write a story out of the 15 most important words in the cloud. It was very funny and interesting to see the results and the kids really liked this kind of introduction into a lesson. They were impressed by the word cloud and in the end, when I told them that this word cloud was made out of the text, they wanted to know everything about it. Finally, we read the text the word cloud consists of and the pupils received a better understanding of the text. They also got to know the context much better, because they almost knew about the context.
Moreover the word cloud helps the children to gain creativity and the ability to write texts just by the help of their imagination.
The word cloud was made by the program ABCya! Word Clouds for Kids! and it is really easy to handle this website. On the left hand side you can see the word cloud I prepared for the English lesson.